Create and Distribute Enlightening Media
Church / House of Worship (HOW) / Faith Based
Education / Community Access (PEG)
Basic Benefits of MMM:
HD multi-camera configurations, low cost, simple, discreet
Adaptable technology
Click on one of the links below to learn more?
- Fraction of the cost of similar solutions
- Intuitive means: One Minute of simple instruction required
- Create recordings and live streams from a variety of media
- Flex from one operator to crew based production and back
- Discreet and nearly invisible to the audience
- Valuable floor space not required for cameras
Adaptable technology
- Portable configurations
- Permanent rooms
- Centralized and local production for institutional installations
Click on one of the links below to learn more?
Currently Developing Online Automated Project Guide!
In just a few minutes, see how MMM technology will fit an organization and application
Self-guided intuitive Q & A process
Initial configuration and estimate
MMM technology will suit almost any application, facility and budget
Self-guided intuitive Q & A process
Initial configuration and estimate
MMM technology will suit almost any application, facility and budget